Messages are removed from the database shortly after they’re delivered, so you will not be able to retrieve a message after. This endpoint is intended to be used for accessing messages that are in the process of being delivered/retried.

Retrieve a message

import { Client } from "@upstash/qstash";

const client = new Client({ token: "<QSTASH_TOKEN>" });
const messages = client.messages
const msg = await messages.get("msgId");

Cancel/delete a message

import { Client } from "@upstash/qstash";

const client = new Client({ token: "<QSTASH_TOKEN>" });
const messages = client.messages
const msg = await messages.delete("msgId");

Cancel messages in bulk

Cancel many messages at once or cancel all messages

import { Client } from "@upstash/qstash";

const client = new Client({ token: "<QSTASH_TOKEN>" });

// deleting two messages at once
await client.messages.deleteMany([

// deleting all messages
await client.messages.deleteAll()